eToolkit Inclusions

    1. Advancement Project Planning Sheet

About this eToolkit

  • $9.95

eToolkit Creator

Alastair Lee BCom, LLB, Dip.Viti, M.Edplus

Advancement Growth Strategist

Alastair Lee is the Founding Director of AlumGrow Consultancy and recognised as a senior thought leader and leading practitioner in education and not-for-profit advancement. With a global profile and sustained track record over the last two-decades of multi award-winning work that has set industry standards in fundraising, alumni relations and marketing, Alastair has dedicated his career to researching, building, and launching ambitious and sustainable advancement programs with ELC-12 schools and universities, and developing vast networks of national and international partners and collaborators. Over his career, Alastair has won many prestigious awards for his ground-breaking work, including the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Gold Award at Deakin University.